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28 September 2008

Laskar Pelangi...

Laskar Pelangi, sebuah novel karya Andrea Hirata..
katanya, versi layar lebarnya lebih seru n bisa bikin yang nonton sampe nangis!!

download OST nya :

1. nidji - laskar pelangi
2. sherina - ku bahagia
3. gita gutawa - tak perlu keliling dunia
4. ipang - sahabat kecil
5. netral - lintang
6. veris yamarno - bunga seroja

summer holiday !


somedays ago i went to parangtritis beach wid my lOvely girlfriend...

there are some photos :)

7 September 2008

I'm a cyborg but that's okay

I first saw this movie through Rain's music video. I thought it was very, what do they call it? Kawaii? You know, cutsie, feel good, pre-teen content for older lovestruck people. (Errr. No, not that kind of disgusting porn.) I thought it would be pretty cool if it was actually a TV show or something. I was clueless at that time that it was actually a music video promotion of a movie by Park Chan-Wook.

The director was interviewed in this CNN program and they were selling him as a Korean that makes controversial/gory/morbid/intellectual films. He (almost?) won an award in Cannes Film Festival and stuff (pointing out that the likes of Tarantino wanted him to win). So naturally, he was asked by the interviewer if I'm A Cyborg, But It's Okay was a way of telling evryone that he can't be put in a box, he could do different genres. He responded that the movie was for his daughter. Because he rarely was able to spend time with her and stuff. And that he didn't make anything that her daughter could watch.

So when I watched the first few scenes of the movie, I automatically wondered how old his daughter was. How did they rate the film or am I just really too conservative sometimes?

The movie started out with Young-Goon slashing her wrist, inserting cables in it, then plugging herself to an electrical socket. The title of the flick says why.

I mean, really? Something your daughter could watch? For it wasn't the only morbid stuff I could point out.

But then again, he managed to pull of the slashing of wrist into a pretty way yet not disrespecting nor mocking the problem. Yeah, don't ask me. I don't know how he did it.
So actually, I could forget that morbidity factor. It was a lovey-dovey flick after all. And it certainly had that kawaii appeal. But as the movie progresses, the director probably kept forgetting that he made it for his daughter. Unless his daughter was that I'm-an-intellectual-artsy-fartsy type, I very much doubt that she would understand all the blurred reality-fantasy metaphors he put in.

Or maybe I just have little faith, who knows? But the Korean box office seems to agree with me. I don't think the teenagers got what they expected. And it takes a certain teenager of a certain cult to love this certain movie.

Fortunately, I'm one of them. (Yes, I'm a teenager. Shut up!)

I mean, hello? Cute plus gore plus fantasy plus mental hospital setting plus a fantastic sex metaphor? I sure as hell don't need to be an intellectual artsy-fartsy to love this film.

It's amazing how Park Chan-wook manages all this with a story of girl who doesn't eat because she thinks she's a cyborg and a guy who thinks he can steal people's traits/attitude who helps said girl to eat.

Simple plus eccentric equals a touching humanity exploration.

I felt I was being slowly lured in into their world and I was so into deep that I too can't distinguish fantasy from reality. And we all know the simple profound conclusion to that, we're no different from Young-goon.

Common, I know. But I believe that this was one of those common messages that was prettily delivered because of the awesome storytelling. I could gush about the editing, and flashbacks, and stuff. Every eccentric habits was used. Everything was connected, actually meant something. Everything was borderline cheesy or hey-fuck-that's-morbid but as soon as I was about to cringe, some moment would snap, and I would find myself smiling.

29 July 2008

penyakit cewek!

Akibat terlalu sensitif. Gejalanya bibir cemberut,mata kedip-kedip. Efek sampingnya mata bengkak, saputangan banjir, hidung meler, bawaannya ngurung diri atau terkena penyakit Curhatitis A. Penyakit ini bisa diobati dengan obat Tegaridol, OBH (Obat Berhati Hamba).

Curhatitis B
Bawaanya pengen nyerocos, Efek samping rahasia orang bisa bocor, terkena Nangisuitis,Penyakit ini bisa diarahkan positif jika ia bercuhatitisnya ke orang yang tepat, apalagi sama Tuhan.

Shoping Syndrome
Gejalanya pengen jalan mulu, mata melotot,
Efek sampingnya lidah ngiler, mulut nganga, dompet jadi tipis. Jika sudah masuk stadium 4(parah banget) dompet cowoknya ikut tipis. Coba minum hematcold atau tablet PD (Pengendalian Diri).

Lebih parah dari Curhatitis B, tidak mengandung titik koma.
Efek samping muncrat, telinga tetangga budek, dada cowoknya bisa jadi lebih halus karena sering mengelus. Lebih cepat makan pil dengar dan minum tablet bicara lebih diperlambat.

Lamanian Dandanitos
Pengennya diem depan cermin. Tangan kiri gatel-gatel pengen pegang sisir, tangan kanan kram-kram pengen teplok-teplok pipi pake bedak.
Efek samping: menor, telat, cowoknya berkarat, gak kebagean makanan. Minum segera Sari Bawak (Bagi Waktu) dan Taperi (tambah percaya diri). Buat cowok minum Toleransikipil 230 sendok sehari sesudah dan sebelum mandi.

Gejala muka lonjong, tangan mengepal, ali menukik. Coba cegah dengan obat sirup prasangka baik tiga sendok sehari, Pil pengertian dan tablet selidiki dahulu.

Gejala hampir sama dengan Cemburubotomy. Minum Sabaron dan Bersyukurinis

Rahasia Cowok Tentang Cinta

Tanda-tanda cowok lagi jomblo

  • Lebih sering terlihat jalan sama teman-temannya
  • Bersikap lebih terbuka, deketin teman-teman yang lain
  • Sering ngobral senyum dan mupeng sama cewek
  • Berusaha akrab sama cewek baru
  • Minta dikenalin sama cewek
  • Balik menekuni rutinitas semula, sebelum punya pacar
  • Banyak waktu buat keluarga dan teman-teman
  • Terus terang kalau dirinya sudah siap untuk seseorang yang baru

Tanda-tanda cowok suka sama cewek

  • Dia sering mendatangi dan tersenyum ke kita
  • Dia suka menggoda kita
  • Saat berdekatan, berusaha memperhatikan kita & kadang mukanya memerah
  • Dia mendadak ramah sama teman-teman kita
  • Dia mulai memperbaiki penampilannya
  • Dia menelepon tanpa alasan apapun
  • Dia gabung ke kegiatan yang kita ikuti
  • Dia ngasih tahu sebuah rahasianya
  • Berusaha menjalin keakraban melalui cerita lucu atau memuji hal kecil yang kita lakukan
  • Menanyakan apa yang menjadi kesukaan kita
  • Sering menolong kita
  • Memperhatikan kebiasaan-kebiasaan kita
  • Mengingatkan apakah kita sudah makan atau belum

Tanda-tanda cowok mo nembak cewek

  • Ngajak nonton film yang romantis
  • Berusaha jadi orang pertama yang mengucapkan selamat ultah
  • Memberi kado kejutan
  • Sering nelfon hanya untuk mendengar suara kita
  • Mau melakukan hal dia benci, misalnya menemani kita belanja
  • Nanya apakah boleh dating kerumah kita&melakukannya
  • Nanya ke teman-teman, kita sudah punya pacar atau belum
  • Mulai berani menggandeng tangan kita
  • Mulai mengajak ngobrol soal pribadi
  • Slalu cari kesempatan untuk dapat momen berdua saja

Tanda-tanda cowok mau nolak cewek

  • Dia bilang “mending lo jadi temen gw”
  • Menunjukkan kalau dia udah punya cewek
  • Gak pernah mau membalas salam dan teguran kita
  • Kalau kita ngajak ngobrol, dia kelihatan males-malesan
  • Kalau kita mulai menghampiri, dia buru-buru menjauh
  • Berusaha tidak terjebak untuk berdua saja dengan kita
  • Meski mau menerima telpon kita, tapi bilangnya pengen pergi/ada kegiatan lain
  • Pura-pura enggak liat kita
  • Selalu nolak pemberian kita

Tanda-tanda cowok bosan

  • Nelpon seminggu sekali, biasanya setiap hari & jarang nelpon balik
  • Tidak pernah lagi memberi kita kejutan
  • Malas merayakan hari jadian
  • Kehilangan topik obrolan kalau ditelpon
  • Kalau kencannya lebih banayak diemnya
  • Jarang ngajak jalan lagi
  • Nggak antusias lagi ketika melihat kita
  • Nggak kelihatan jeles walau ada cowok yang senang dengan kita
  • Mulai bersikap cuek, gak ada basa-basi lagi
  • Sering keceplosan bilang bosan kalau diajak kesana kemari

Tanda-tanda cowok selingkuh

  • Sering ketahuan bohong
  • Sering mendadak baik banget tanpa alasan yang jelas
  • Mendadak menjadi Mr. Sibuk, katanya banyak urusan
  • Ketakukan kalau dapet telpon atau sms
  • Mulai sering main rahasia, nggak terus terang lagi
  • Sering menghindar untuk ketemu
  • Sering ingkar janji
  • Suka membatalkan janji mendadak tanpa alasan yang jelas
  • Suka salah sebut nama
  • Kalau ngomong sering diralat
  • Ada kata-kata yang aneh
  • Jadi suka dandan lagi dan rapi

Tanda-tanda cowok mo bubar

  • Sengaja kelihatan jalan ama cewek lain didepan idung kita
  • Sengaja nggak ngapel untuk waktu lama, tanpa kabar berita
  • Enggak mau nelpon lagi, pokoknya mesti kita duluan yang nelpon
  • Kalau diajak ketemu nggak pernah mau dengan segudang alasan
  • Sengaja melakukan sesuatau yang dia tahu kita nggak suka
  • Foto-foto dan barang-barang kenangan bersama kita mulai disingkirkan dari tempat pribadinya
  • Kalau ditelpon, yang jawab selalu adiknya atau orang rumahnya yang lain
  • Mengatakan kalau kita terlalu baik buat dia (GOMBAL banget!!!!!!)
  • Sering mengatakan kalimat klise kalau kita udah nggak cocok
  • Mulai menyodorkan teman-teman cowok yang dianggapnya tipe kita
  • Melalui temannya atau teman kita, doi bilang ingin PUTUS

28 July 2008

free unlimited sms

try this! it's cool!

27 May 2008

love ?

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind.

She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her.

She told her boyfriend, " If I could only see the world, I will marry you."

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.

He asked her,'Now that you can see the world,will you marry me?'

The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.

Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear,for before they were yours, they were mine.'

This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.

just fOr laugh

1. go to the following site:

2. type ur first name on the 1st line

3. type ur last name on the 2nd line

(skip ur email address)

4. click on "vizualizar" and watch what happens... :)

9 May 2008

English Action Days

English Action Days [EAD 2008]

it will be held tomorrow, 10 mei -11 mei. EAD is one of my unforgettable moment. There are so much fun and friendship. EAD is held by PBI students of Sanata Dharma University.

now, i am preparing the stage for tomorrow ^_^

5 May 2008

chat with god

it is meant to be used for fun
a sense of humour is recommended..

you can try it here :

4 May 2008

Suka, Sayang dan Cinta

Saat kau MENYUKAI seseorang, kau ingin memilikinya untuk keegoisanmu
Saat kau MENYAYANGI seseorang, kau ingin sekali membuatnya bahagia dan
bukan untuk dirimu sendiri.
anugerah terindah yang pernah Tuhan berikan padaku..”

Pada saat orang yang kau SUKAi menyakitimu, maka kau akan marah dan
tak mau lagi bicara padanya.
Pada saat orang yang kau SAYANGi menyakitimu, engkau akan menangis
Pada saat orang yang kau CINTAi menyakitimu, kau akan berkata, “Tak
apa dia hanya tak tau apa yang dia lakukan.”

Pada saat kau SUKA padanya, kau akan MEMAKSANYA untuk menyukaimu.
Pada saat kau SAYANG padanya, kau akan MEMBIARKANNYA MEMILIH.
Pada saat kau CINTA padanya, kau akan selalu MENANTINYA dengan setia
dan tulus…

SUKA adalah kau akan menemaninya bila itu menguntungkan.
SAYANG adalah kau akan menemaninya di saat dia membutuhkan.
CINTA adalah kau akan menemaninya di saat bagaimana keadaanmu.

SUKA adalah hal yang menuntut.
SAYANG adalah hal memberi dan menerima.
CINTA adalah hal yang memberi dengan rela.

Funny Sport Pictures

i can't stop laughing =D

850 MSN emoticons and smiles !

you can make great use of this.

download here:


Waiting for Godot

This 1987 television text production of Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot" was done in Paris by the San Quentin Drama Workshop: Bud Thorpe as Vladimir, Lawrence Held as Estragon, Rick Cluchey as Pozzo, Alan Mandell as Lucky, and Louis Beckett Cluchey as Boy.

3 May 2008

Iron Man [2008]

you can download this movie here:

joe satriani guitar secret

you can get this ebook for free here :

Top 5 mOst beautiful Indonesian Artist [ according to me ]

5. Mariana Renata

4. Julia Estelle

3. Artika Sari Devi

2. Rianti Cartwright

and the winner goes to ...

1. Sandra Dewi

27 April 2008

virus ?

get rid of virus! download this removal...

get rid of virus! download this removal...

1. vbs virus [i.e. fucker.vbs]
removal : download

2. usb virus protector [ all viruses]

3. vb killer in proccess

4. Fixing folder option

5. disable auto run

6. enable autorun

21 April 2008

what d'you think?

“Love Land” is a theme park, about the size of two soccer fields, located in the north of Cheju Island. And it’s crammed with soft porn memorabilia — statues, photographs and sculptures that seem like something halfway between a post-modern version of those temple phalluses and a Jeff Koons installation — just more trashy, if that’s possible.

Children under 12 can enter the theme park for free — as long as they’re accompanied by adults.

20 April 2008

Tevez Saves United But Diving Rooney Hobbles Off

Manchester United needed a late goal from Carlos Tevez to snatch a point from a 1-1 draw at Blackburn, leaving them in the box seat in the Premier League title race.

The Argentinian striker headed the ball home from close range with two minutes to go after Paul Scholes had flicked on a corner from Nani. Earlier Brad Friedel in the Blackburn goal had pulled off a string of fine saves to deny United.

Tevez's goal cancelled out the opener from Roque Santa Cruz leaving Sir Alex Ferguson's men three points ahead of Chelsea with the teams meeting next Saturday at Stamford Bridge.

simple love quotes^^

Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's
called falling in love, because you don't force
yourself to fall, you just fall.

It breaks your heart to see the one you love is happy
with someone else, but it's more painful to know that
the one you love is unhappy with you.

If love is the answer,
can you please repeat the question?

To the world you may be just one person,
but to one person you may be the world.

she taught me how to love,
but not how to stop.

We come to love not by finding a perfect person,
but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

Just because you know someone doesn't mean you love them,
and just because you don't know people doesn't mean you can't
love them. You can fall in love with a complete stranger in a
heartbeat, if God planned that route for you. So open your heart
to strangers more often. You never know when God will throw
that pass at you.

Love... What is love? Love is to love someone
for who they are, who they were, and who they will be.

Why do you say you love me,
if you are only going to leave me?

Love is a language spoken by everyone,
but understood only by a heart.

Maybe God put a few bad people in your life,
so when the right one came along you'd be thankful.

Never say goodbye when you still want to try.
Never give up when you still feel you can take it.

Never say you don't love a person when you can't let go.

19 April 2008

overheat laptop !

bayangkan jika saat menggunakan laptop, tiba-tiba laptop anda meledak! mengerikan bukan? meledaknya laptop biasanya disebabkan karena kepanasan [kepansaan]. untuk menghindari hal ini, anda dapat melakukan hal-hal dibawah ini :

  1. Bersihkan sistem ventilasi pada laptop dengan kompresor.
  2. Selalu letakkan laptop di permukaan yang keras. Hindari meletakkan laptop di selimut, kain wool atau permukaan lembut lainnya yang dapat menghalangi angin dan pertukaran udara.
  3. Matikan laptop sebelum memasukkannya ke dalam kotak/tas. Jika Anda tidak ingin mematikannya, atur laptop dalam kondisi hibernate. Hal ini penting untuk mencegah terjadinya proses peningkatan panas. Jangan sekali-kali meletakkan laptop yang sedang beroperasi di tempat yang sempit, ini bisa meningkatkan panas.
  4. Instal software monitoring, seperti SpeedFan, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengawasi dan memantau suhu prosesor, hard drive dan komponen lainnya.
  5. Atur setting power untuk mencegah panas berlebih pada komponen seperti layar dan hard drive. Turunkan power secepatnya jika memang tidak dibutuhkan.
  6. Anda juga bisa menggunakan pendingin laptop yang dapat mencegah panas berlebih.
  7. Jika laptop Anda berpotensi mengalami overheat dan masih dalam masa garansi, jangan ragu untuk melaporkan keluhan Anda tersebut.
  8. Jika Anda berencana membeli laptop baru, jangan gegabah! Telitilah dulu dengan seksama. Cari informasi tentang laptop model dan merek apa yang sering overheat, sehingga Anda tidak menyesal di kemudian hari.[, dg gubahan seperlunya]

14 April 2008

change XP pasword without knowing it

requested by myfriend febry..

he asked me how to change winXP password..

it's so easy, just use this software and you're done!

you can try it!

3-D illusion

waow! it's a really good art,,

see more picture at

How much percent chance you'll go to hell ?

my deadly sin

Envy: 40%

Gluttony: 40%

Sloth: 20%

Greed: 0%

Lust: 0%

Pride: 0%

Wrath: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%

You will die at the hands of a jealous lover. How ironic.

hwahahaha,,, lit a bit fun! wanna try?

check this out at:

13 April 2008

Top 5 Anti Virus 2008 !

1. Bit Defender

excellent anti virus in the world [gold]
get full version for free :
download here

2. Kaspersky
very good anti virus in the world [silver]
get full version for free :
download here

3. ESET Nod32

Good anti virus in the world [bronze]
get full version for free :
download here

4. AVG

Good anti virus in the world
get full version for free :
download here

5. F-Secure Anti Virus

Good anti virus in the world
get full version for free :
download here

note: Indonesia also has good Anti Virus [it's portable] must try it!

get it here

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