Saturday, February 21, 2009

Alexsander Irfan B.

The fourth meeting of micro teaching class was very interesting! I learned many things from it. At the first, Mr. Prast explained about
Classroom management and General Tips. He taught how to make a best performance when you are practicing as a teacher. After that, he asked one of the students [volunteer] to come in front of class, to practice teaching. As usual, no body wanted to be a volunteer, so Mr. Prast made a lotery in order to get a "victim". He asked the date of that day, it was 17, 1+7=8 and he called the student in ordinal number 8 from above. And the "lucky" one was Nike. Everyone in the class shouted her, and she only smiled. Then, she came in front of the class. She started teaching by told us that she will teach Senior High School Students, so she wanted us to act like a senior high school students. First, she asked the students some general question like
how are you? are you tired?etc. Suddenly, She asked me to come in front of class, maybe she saw that I was sleepy and leaning my head on the wall. In front of the class, she compared my height with my friend. She did it because her material was adjective comparison, and I think it was a good idea to present the material. From the set induction to set closure, she was very smooth. It looked that She had prepared it before. After she finished, the second "victim" was Cahyo. He looked very surprized when he got the turn. In confidence, he started teaching. The class was relax, too relax I think. The students already knew that Cahyo had not have prepared the material before, so we tried to ask Cahyo some "deadfall" questions.hehehe... He just only smiled when he cannot answer the students' questions. Actually, he was confidence enough. But, because he did not master the materials, he looked confused while teaching. From those two teaching practices, I learned that preparation is very important in teaching. Mastering the materials will make us confidence, and confidence will make us easier to present the materials effectively and relaxly.
You indeed have learned something, that preparation is importan. And in fact this week (of the first week of class teaching), you have learned from your five friends that preparation is important. Being prepared will make you feel confident, and being confident will make you feel relax, and feeling relax will help you make your students feel relax too. Do not follow the steps of your friends who do not prepare themselves well. They did not do their best, they waste their best time to practice their teaching skills. I believe you can do much better. Good luck!
thanks for the comment... =)
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