21 March 2009

Personal Reflection [ Week 8 ]

"yakin pada dirimu sendiri!"
huff, maybe that is the best word to motivate me. I don't know what happen with me, but after I saw my friends performance, I thought that there were some things in me which should be improved. I got many positives comments from my friends and Mr. Prast. I remember when I practiced teaching class, it was not 'my best performance' i think.
These are 'my bad' when I practiced teaching:
  • I smile too often
  • I speak too often in my speaking class
  • I was too relax in teaching
From my friend's blog, Adria, I get comments like this:

" The way he taught was too relax and it confused the students a lot. He presented two topic at the same lesson. He taught the expression of sympathy and happiness. I thought those topics should have been separated in different meeting because before the students got the idea of the first topic, they had to face another topic. Moreover, the objectives were vague and doubtful, I was not sure whether the students achieved the indicators or not. "

In the next class teaching practice, I get topic : Listening for SMP grade 7. I will try to do my best on it. Comments from my friends will be guide for me to improve my teaching skill. In the next class teaching, I plan to do this:
  • make handout which is suitable with students' grade and make sure that the students can achieve the indicators.
  • because this is listening class, students will listen more.
  • not too often smiling.. =)
yeap! I think that's all for my reflection. comments and suggestions are hoped!

12 March 2009

Personal Reflection [ week 7 ]

In the 7th meeting of micro teaching class, I acted as a X grade student. From the beginning until the end of meeting, I just sit and watched my friends who practiced teaching. There were different characters between one and others who practiced teaching at that time. There were serious teacher, funny teacher and 'nervous' teacher. I liked to see Zita's and Adria's performances. They could explain their material well. From Zita, I learned that when we confidence and had mastered the material, we could explain the material smoothly. From Adria, I learned that when we used media for teaching, students' motivation to learn our material will increase. Students would be more comfortable and enjoyed the material given by teacher.
I think that's all I can write for my reflection.

11 March 2009

Reflection after practice teaching [ week 6 ]

Last week I have practiced teaching. I decided to teach "how to express happiness and how to express sympathy. I took those topic because I thought that those topic were easy to be taught to the students. This topic also fit with the standard competence and the basic competence which I should teach to. When I started teaching, actually I was nervous. I thought whether the students will pay attention to me or not. But, while I was teaching, I did not feel nervous anymore. First, I gave them song to be interpreted. The song's theme was happiness, I chose it because I would like to teach how to express happiness (I mean that the song will guide them to enter the material). During teaching, I felt that the most difficult was how to make the students pay attention to the material I thought. When I finished teaching, I got 3 written comments. Their comments were so constructive, thanks for that. From the first class teaching, I learned that teaching in conventional way (giving handout and explaining) will make the students bored. I have to have something different like using media namely video or something else. If I should teach this lesson again, I will have different way to explain the material. My first practice teaching is an unforgettable experience!!

8 March 2009

40 Fakta yang TIDAK kamu ketahui . . .

1. Coca-cola dulu berwarna hijau.

2. Nama yang paling umum digunakan di dunia adalah Mohammed.

3. Dalam bahasa inggris, semua nama benua diawali dan diakhiri dengan huruf vokal yang sama.

4. Otot terkuat yang ada di badan kita adalah lidah.

5. Setiap orang di USA punya 2 kartu kredit!

6. TYPEWRITER adalah kata terpanjang yang dapat diketik dalam satu baris tuts keyboard anda.

7. Perempuan ngedip dua kali lebih banyak dari pada laki-laki.

8. Menahan nafas tidak akan membuatmu mati.

9. Setiap manusia tidak dapat menjilat siku tangannya sendiri.

10. Kalau ada orang mengucapkan doa setiap kali ada yang bersin karena memang setiap kali kau bersin, jantungmu berhenti satu milisecond.

11. Secara fisik, setiap babi tidak bisa melihat ke langit.

12. Ucapkan “sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” beberapa kali, nanti anda akan mahir berbahasa inggris!

13. Bersin terlalu keras dapat mematahkan tulang iga, memutuskan pembuluh darah di kepala atau leher dan mengakibatkan kematian.

14. Setiap raja dalam kartu remi melambangkan raja-raja besar jaman dahulu kala:
Raja sekop - Raja Daud
Raja keriting - Alexander Agung
Raja hati - Raja Charlemagne
Raja wajik - Julius Caesar

15. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987, 654,321

16. Kalau ada patung orang naik kuda dan dua kaki depan kuda itu naik di udara, itu tandanya orang itu mati dalam perang.

17. Kalau kaki kudanya cuma satu yang diangkat berarti orang itu cuma terluka dalam perang.

18. Kalau semua kaki kudanya menjejak tanah, berarti orang itu meninggal karena sakit.

19. Apa persamaan rompi anti peluru, printer laser, tangga darurat dan wiper mobil? Jawabannya: semua ditemukan oleh perempuan! Hah!

20. Satu-satunya makanan yang tidak bisa busuk? Jawaban: madu.

21. Buaya nggak bisa melet lidah.

22. Siput bisa tidur selama 3 tahun.

23. Semua beruang kutub KIDAL!

24. American Airlines menghemat $40,000 tahun 1987 dengan cara mengurangi 1 buah olive dari setiap piring salad yang mereka sajikan untuk penumpang kelas 1.

25. Indera perasa kupu-kupu ada di kaki.

26. Gajah adalah satu-satunya hewan yang tidak bisa lompat.

27. Selama 4000 tahun belakangan ini, jenis hewan yang dipelihara di rumah cuma itu-itu saja.

28. Rata-rata manusia lebih takut pada laba-laba daripada kematian.

29. Shakespeare menemukan kata: “Assassination” dan “bump”

30. Dengan menggunakan cara mengetik 10 jari, STEWARDESSES adalah kata terpanjang yang bisa diketik hanya dengan jari-jari tangan kiri.

31. Semut selalu jatuh ke kanan setiap kali disemprot cairan anti hama

32. Kursi listrik ditemukan oleh seorang dokter gigi

33. Jantung manusia dapat menyemprotkan darah sejauh 30 kaki.

34. Dalam 18 bulan, 2 ekor tikus bisa punya lebih dari sejuta anak tikus!

35. Memakai headphone selama satu jam dapat menstimulasi perkembangan bakteri dalam telinga sebanyak 700 kali lipat!

36. Pemantik ditemukan sebelum korek api.

37. Setiap lipstik mengandung sisik ikan.

38. Seperti sidik jari, lidah manusia pun mempunyai kontur yang berbeda-beda.

39. 99% orang yang membaca tulisan ini mencoba mengalikan fakta no. 15

40. Dan akhirnya, 99% orang yang baca tulisan ini pasti mencoba menjilat siku tangannya, hehehe…

Rapidshare Premium Accounts =)









Superman or Suparman ??


1 March 2009

Personal Reflection [ week 5 ]

In micro teaching week 5, I was be an observer. I saw my friends practiced teaching. hmm.. my friends seemed to be not serious in practicing. It might be caused of they were nervous or something. But It encouraged me to do better. In this week I get a turn to practice teaching and I belive that I can do better!


I believe I can do my best for my teaching practice.

I believe I can do my best for my teaching practice.

amen. =)

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